"With the limited-time Public Service Loan Forgiveness program waiver, your past loan repayments will now count, even if they werent made on time.Learn more about PSLF here: studentaid.gov/pslf/"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Joe Courtney:
"#Nordstream2 was supposed to be a cash cow for #Putin and his oligarchs, but following new sanctions from @POTUS and our EU allies it won't be pumping out oil or money to fund Russia's human rights violations.reuters.com/world/biden-sa"Read on Twitter
"Read my full statement on the newly announced US/EU sanctions"Read on Twitter
"The US and our allies are in syncPutin moved troops into east #Ukraine and wants to go further. I support these initial US/EU sanctions, which cut him & his oligarchs off from Western financial systems while they're shredding the international rule of law.tinyurl.com/2p9yct26"Read on Twitter