Joe Courtney tweeted the following:
"Taylor Brooke Farm is the home of Taylor Brooke Winery & Taylor Brooke Brewery. I was glad to help them secure federal relief to keep things running during the pandemic. Thats a big reason why I voted for bills like the ARP, and its great to see that support paying off locally."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Joe Courtney:
"Had a great visit out to Taylor Brooke Farm in Woodstock last week to meet up with owner Linda Auger and her daughter Nikki for an update on how they've really put federal relief funding to use over the past few years to help their small business thrive."Read on Twitter
"I visited the Enfield Senior Center to go over some of the cost-cutting measures in the new #Medicare reform bill. Some are here now, like the $35 cap on insulin & a rule to keep drug costs from rising faster than inflation. Otherslike capping out-of-pocket costsstart in 2025." on Feb. 22Read on Twitter
"We covered some other important topics too, like the new 8.7% COLA increase, the Medicare Part B rebate I helped secure for seniors this year, and my commitment to protecting Social Security now, and for future generations. Big thanks to everyone who could join us!" on Feb. 22Read on Twitter