Joe Courtney tweeted the following:
"Our submarine industrial base is strong and growing. Thats thanks in large part to federally funded workforce development efforts like the hugely successful Manufacturing Pipeline Initiative.Weve got to keep the momentum"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Joe Courtney:
"Veterans Coffeehouses are an excellent way for our large community of former servicemembers to connect and share info about the benefits available to them. Thrilled that the popular Windham Veterans Coffeehouse now has a permanent home at the Willimantic Senior Center."Read on Twitter
"As a 2023 Community Project, Somers will receive funding to improve operations at their 40-year-old wastewater treatment plant cutting pollution in the Scantic River and making the plant way more efficient." on Jan. 23Read on Twitter
"This week, I visited Chief James Canon and his excellent team of officers at the Suffield Police Department. In the 2023 budget, we secured Community Project funding for the department to upgrade their emergency response systems with new, nationwide standard technology." on Jan. 20Read on Twitter