Town of Stonington issued the following announcement on March 18.
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." ― Martin Luther King
Over the past few weeks, we have seen the children in our community take on projects to help support families in, and fleeing from, the Ukraine. West Vine Street School has a family from Ukraine that is collecting items that have been requested (see attached) The donations are being sent directly to Ukraine. The items being requested, along with a flyer from WVSS are attached. In addition to dropping items off at WVSS, residents can drop off items in a bin outside of Stonington Town Hall. The deadline for donation is Friday March 25th.
We also wanted to provide an update on another initiative spearheaded by two 5th grade students in our Town. What started as an idea from two friends, has spread throughout our Town and into neighboring communities. Both Deans Mill and West Vine students, along with students from St. Michaels School and in Groton are working on their 'Crafts for a Cause' project. Anyone interested in participating can pick-up pre-cut bookmarks from Stonington Town Hall or Human Services on Friday March 18th or Monday March 21st. They need to be dropped back off at one of these locations by Friday March 25th. They will be sold at the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Mystic, and donations will go to refugee families in Poland. Those unable to attend the parade can also donate via a GoFundMe page they set-up, found here. You can read more on this initative here.
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Original source can be found here.